Dishonoring MLK Day
There's nothing worse than white people who pretend (to blacks of course) that they are celebrating MLK day, or doing something to honor MLK. At the local bodega today some liberal Upper East Side Mommy was all out of breath at the counter saying her day was so busy. She said real loud to the cashier, knowing a middle-aged black woman was in line right behind her, that her day started with "all sorts of chaotic running around" and then she had to suddenly run out to buy a book about MLK when her teenage daughter asked her for one (yeah right) over breakfast. (Um, get it yourself, slut). If I'd been that black lady, I'd have had some smarmy response but she just smiled. Good Lord she's probably heard it all.
Okay, even if you are white and did do *something* for MLK day, who cares if you "went to a mass service" or something for Dr. King? So fucking what? If you want to really do something meaningful on this day, engage in some really hardcore interracial sex. Fuck a black man. Really Hard. And THEN show up breathless at the bodega counter.
Just a thought. YMMV.