Originally posted by str8outavannuys
Why the hate for Hayden and Aaron? Hayden's a bit of a skeeze, and they're a little dim, but no more so than your usual TAR couple.
1) the unctuous schmoopie factor when
2) Hayden isn not in a chinless, co-depedency rage and
3) the fact that they are actors living in LA but are too ugly to get the standard roles and too bland to get the character roles.
Kris and John are Schmoopie lites and kendra and freddy dont do it to the point of it being irksome. I always forget about the existence of Adam and Rebecca for some reason which means they don't annoy me. Go Bolo and Lori. I don't think they will win bc they chose the wrong detour last night for their strengths which is their strength but then they arent racing any brain surgeons so who knows.