Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
I feel like there is some sort of board obligation for me to say "Off my corner, ho" or some variant here, which depresses me because that phrase has been used approximately 700 times in the last 300 posts. Paigow, did you invent this? Can you now retire it?
i did not invent this phrase but I certainly popularized it with the newbers. The history of the phrase is as follows: Multo invented it with a sock that was named for whichever hooker blew Hugh Grant. I had a sock workting with that sock and she said "off my corner ho". I don't remember what sock it was at the time, perhaps MaryCheney, but who can remember? In any event, it was an old skool reference that the newbers seized without knowing the context. I apologize as I concur its gone the way of tthe Mojito. Once the massses pick it up, it is so over.