Originally posted by dtb
Horrifying, however, was the burnout dude (a co-worker) I, uh..., "hung out with" that summer (what the hell was his name?), who would also be featurned in said photo. That might be funny to have another look at him. He's probably worse in my mind's eye than he was in reality (or at least, that's what I tell myself.)
I had a burn-out dude friend (but not "friend") from Friendly's but there was one awful burn-out dude dishwasher there that was CONSTANTLY high off of whipits. Like during every shift. As an ice cream station worker, this pissed me off because during a rush there was about a 50/50 chance that the new whipped cream can that you pulled would be flat. I wonder what ever happened to that guy. No I don't.