Originally posted by ironweed
Bitte. The Bundesliga is the new EPL, but I wouldn't expect someone as backward und Mittelamerikan as you to know that. In fact, we all laugh at you and your ignorant kind as we watch Wolfsburg vs. Werder Bremen and sip our half-liter Heffefeffeweisenbieren, with a dainty slice of lemon at the top just so. But what would you know of these things? Nothing. Of course. Oh how we laugh! Ha! Ha ha!
Stop it, you're getting me all hot and bothered. Sophistacated post about soccer AND beer, I can't take much more. Has Landon Donavan had any playing time yet? I'm going through withdrawl 2 weeks without FSW is killing me.
FYI - World Cup 2006 tickets go on sale soon.