Originally posted by paigowprincess
But what is original sin? Its not sex, its not cum, but you cant have sex without it? or was that a one trick wonder? wtf is it?
The original sin was Adam and Eve's disobedience to God in the Garden of Eden, when they ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge and were expelled. This is the original sin of mankind, and it stains all of their progeny. Christ died to obtain forgiveness for mankind for this original sin, and so original sin can only be expunged by baptism in the Christian church (even catholics recognize the validity of baptism in all christian sects). Before the birth of christ, all otherwise virtuous people went to hell (or limbo, though that was abolished by the Pope in the '80s) to await his birth (he spent the 3 days between being crucified and appearing to his appostles - the first of which was Mary M, by the by) harrowing hell and releasing all the "virtuous pagans" from the confines of hell. Since his birth, anyone who wasn't baptized goes to hell no matter how virtuous they were. (No official word on unbaptized babies since limbo was abolished.)