The nattering nabobs of no-nothingness who desecrate this board with their faux centrist chatter border on treason by indulging in the phallacy that the Islamofacists are anything other than homocidal monsters. These rabid animals who strap on bombs and kill innocents for media publicity are dangerous cancerous deluded cultist misfits. Marching locked in a modern day goosestep as a thuggish pack unintelligent sociopathic maniacal drone followers of an alcoholic pedophile who worships violence, murder and hatred for America, its Patriots and Freedom. This Is-lame that they profess is not a religion but a cult breeding a perversely terroristic hatred in its path while glorifying the oppression of women, the buggery of young boys, marriage to 5 year olds, ritualistic beheadings, infidelicide, and a submit or die ethic more worthy of wild kingdom than civilized society.
Commander-in-Chief George W. Bush said it best when he proclaimed,
“you are either with us or against us in the crusade against radical Islam”
Here's an example of the type of fellow centrist the left of this board and the blew states defend:
God will destroy America by the hands of the Muslims....God will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor God will bestow upon Muslims." –Louie Fraudakhan