Originally posted by notcasesensitive
and updating on the celebrity fats, (spoiler alert) Daniel Baldwin no-showed on the last show of the Celebrity Fit Club. He later admitted to the cameras that he is in rehab, he is a drug addict and he was not just abusing the pain medicine for the last three episodes, but also the narcotics. He did not fess up to being higher than sunny's bf on Everest on the celebrity poker show a while back ["I'm the devil!"], but we already knew he was.
(more spoilers, although I don't know if they're really needed for CFC)
I saw him on Celebrity Fit Club (the only time I have seen it, but I think that the Snapple Lady is amusing), and he looked bad. He could hardly stand up, and he had to have been high at the weigh-in. Yuck. What is his drug of choice? Coke?