Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
I have to say that:
(1) I am quite disappointed that he did not in fact turn her in. Should have, in my view.
(2) The nature of the universe being what it is, I am pleased that she will have her just desserts anyway.
(3) I do adore the karmic irony of the whole thing.
(4) I have e-mailed links to every teacher I know. Including one who, upon deciding in his mercy that he would fail his plagarists instead of turning them in to the unversity for the advertised penalty of expulsion, discovered to his disgust that the head of his department routinely offered rewrites instead.
(5) For fuck's sake, she turned in a paper with the sentence "I made a doody" in it. If plagarism were punishable by death I would have to nominate her for a darwin award in lieu of sympathy.
BR(spoiler protection included, though I don't know if blogs rate spoiler protection)C
You must not have read the saga cover-to-cover (as I did. No, I'm VERY busy; why do you ask?) One of the comments (the comments are the real entertainment, imv) points out the irony of a bunch of supposed academics tossing the phrase "just desserts" around.
So, is it just cake and ice cream? Just tiramisu and chocolate souffle?