Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
Quick question re: dead Pope - did anyone else catch Paula Zahn on CNN's Friday Night Death Watch? The Mr. and I were flipping channels and happened upon Ms. Zahn, who usually annoys me only mildly, and spent the rest of the night debating whether she was (i) tweaking or (ii) just on a SHITLOAD of coke. 'Cause, damn, she was on something. It was actually disturbing watching her, with her eyes bugging out of her head and a Joker-style chicklet-teeth grin talking cheerfully about "this Pope's legacy - why don't you just give us a few items on that?" etc. Just ... frighteningly inappropriate in about every way. And weird weird weird.
Item 2 in funny dead-Pope news media moments: someone's Vatican correspondent being asked to explain the Blacks vs. the Whites as they relate to the papacy (they asked him to tell them who got to pay respects to the body before the public viewing, and one of the groups he listed was the Blacks). I mean, they did ask, but he actually started to TELL them. And they really, really didn't want to know. (He actually was doing a pretty good and surprisingly concise job of it when he noted the horror on the regular correspondents' faces and cut it off.)
Also amusing (well, to me; I thought of DTB) but unrelated to teh Pope was catching a bit of "10.5" (earthquakes make CA fall into the ocean) on the SciFi channel. One news report featured the caption "President Declares Marshal Law."
Too funny, the commentary at our house was "wow, she's had too many antidepressants or something." She was way too happy about the guy dying. It was just so inappropriate and that happy smiley face that she couldn't get rid of. Weird.