Originally posted by ltl/fb
Because this is of course all about me, I will note that once one of my answers was a model answer. I seriously just thought someone else in my class's handwriting was eerily similar to mine.
But really, how is a law school exam relevant? If a client or judge or whatever (who knows what the fuck kind of law you practice) said "hey, you look like a moron with the crap spelling/grammar," would you trot out your story and say that the client/judge was a social cripple who was completely unpleasant to be around? It's not relevant in that case, and it's not relevant in this case. Plus, it's the repeated errors of similar type that make it seem like stupidity, not just carelessness.
Why such the chip, spankme? You are making yourself sound stupider every second.
Hey, I know, let's have an "it's her or me!" contest!
Aren't you a little too fat for popularity contests?
Once in court the judge asked me if I was serious cuz he thought my brief was specious. I pulled out my LSAT scores and shut his ass right up.