Originally posted by Spanky
If this idiot knew anything, he would know that one of the comparative advantages Ricardo’s cites is access to cheap labor. ... There is no doubt that the Chinese benefit from this. The worker that has no job, now gets fifty cents an hour. That places him way above the rest of the Chinese. In America consumers get products for cheaper, freeing up more money that can be used in other parts of the economy creating more jobs other places. In our case more service jobs. Both countries experience more economic growth and the standard of living in both countries increases.
Riddle me this, why is it that the median income of individual full-time workers in the US has been falling since around 1973? Median income has been in the shitter for a long time. Household incomes have held steady because more members per household are working, namely women. What is it that's eroding median income per worker? Free trade with low wage countries that bid down the price of most labor is a likely candidate? Why not? If not that, then what???