Ipod Batteries
Originally posted by NotFromHere
Apple settles suit over iPod battery life.
Music players bought before 2004 covered under tentative pact.
SAN FRANCISCO - Customers whose older iPods had poor battery life will get $50 coupons and extended service warranties under a tentative settlement in a class-action lawsuit.
In 2003, eight customers sued Apple, claiming the iPod failed to live up to advertised claims that the rechargeable battery would last the product’s lifetime and play music continuously for up to 10 hours.
Thousands complained that the battery — which cost $99 to replace — lasted 18 months or less and that they could play music for only four hours or less before having to recharge it.
I got a claim check in the mail, and I think that I can turn this into a new iPod, since I doubt they are going to want to refurb or put a new battery (is it even possible?) in an early 3G. We'll see...
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