Originally posted by str8outavannuys
My wife has my last name. My kids will have my last name. My dog has my last name. That's how we roll.
There's a somewhat well-known (in Yale circles) Yale couple from my era where the husband hyphenated his name. Even by Yale standards, that's pussy shit.
Whooo, google-related update. Apparently he's now taken his wife's name. Pussy shit^Pussy shit.
I do not have the same last name as my husband and children (it is just the way the Spanish-speaking world rolls - by and large), and it really chaps mr.dtb's ass when people call him mr.dtb (hmm, I don't know how to do that in some cutesy way...). When I get calls at the office, and when he identifies himself as my husband, the people who answer the phone say, "Oh, Hello Mr. [my last name]". He used to get all pissed off, but he's given up - I think he realized it was no big whoop.