Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Porsche Turbo - $131-141K.
I'd have won the fucking car if this were The Price is Right.
There are many real exotics under $200k (Bentley Continental, the new small Astin Martin, a few year old Ferrari).
The 911 is to middle aged men what the BMW 330 is to kids who get their first bonus check. "Look at me!" They're nice rides, don't get me wrong. And they perform magnificently and run forever. And if you buy a standard 911 just to have a fun convertible, I guess thats sensible. But all these old men I see driving their turbos around the Philly burbs crack me up. I mean, really, why? Other than compensating for lack of something else, of course...
Autoist Fuck.
Let me ask the people who are bashing Porsche one question: have you ever driven one?
I had a buddy who let me drive his Turbo and it was fucking amazing. Probably not as nice as the M5 I test drove (just for fun), but that's only b/c the M5 seats 4 comfortably.
Rather than generalizing and saying everyone who drives a Porche is overcompensating, perhaps you can give them the benefit of the doubt and think "there's a person who likes to drive fast cars"? Nothing wrong with liking fast cars. Sounds like sour grapes to me the other way.
Would I buy a Porsche? No way. But not b/c of the stigma. It's because I can't afford one. Though, even if I could afford it, I guess I'd go for something more practical. But I will never begrudge someone for their choice of auto. Different strokes and all that.