Please support LawTalkers
I'd like to thank the people who have recently supported LawTalkers fiancially, as well as those who have done so during the past 6-7 months.
So you know where the money is going:
Monthly expenses:
Hosting -$110
Monitoring - $7
Other expenses:
Programming and installation of software costs about 60-75/hour. Figure several hundred a year.
Financial resources:
At this point we run mainly on donations. We earn about $15-20/month from our link (please keep using it) and we earn another $10-15/month from the ads (please click on those too, we get paid per click.)
As you can see this isn't close to the amount we need to run. We continue to explore alternative means of funding, but for the moment, we need donations to keep the site up and running.
How you can help?
Sponsor the site for a week or a month
For the cost of running the site for a week ($30) you will receive a public thanks on the home page of LawTalkers. You can also receive the same credit on our sister site Omnilegalnews for $15/week.
If you prefer to be anonymous, this is, of course fine, simply let me know when you make the donation. Feel free to donate any amount, every bit helps.
Donations are made through paypal, simply click on the link location on the right side of the home page. If you would prefer to use a check or money order please email or pm me, and I'll be happy to make arrangements. and Ads
All purchases made directly after you click on the link on our home page result in a percentage being paid to LawTalkers. This is an easy way to help support the site when you were planning on buying something anyway.
We receive a small amount of money any time someone clicks on the Market Banker Ads you see on the left side of the home page.
People can also buy ads, so if you know of a company that would be interested in advertising on LawTalkers, please have them contact me.
On behalf of the Admins of LawTalkers, I want you to know we appreciate your support, both financially and through your continued participation in the site.
Thank you!