Originally posted by Penske_Account
was she really a Star, or just another in the plethora (gaggle? pride?-what is a group of porn starlettes called??) of young cum-hither nameless ingenues who grace our mastubatory video screens for a scene or two and then disappear, like a passing ship in the nite?
This is a stumper. One one hand, she did about 50 movies, was voted the XRCO Favorite Female of 1993, and she seemed to show up on every compilation tape I bought for awhile. On the other hand (because using the left hand is like a different woman), she does not seem to have created lasting fan appeal in the form of websites or galleries listed on porn link sites. I would have rated her about a 7.5 in the 1-10 world of porn stars, so maybe she is destined to be mostly forgotten.