Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Again, the ends don't justify the means. You keep shifting from one justification to another. Its fucking embarrassing. Your people sold a bag of lies so badly it sets a new standard for piss-poor lying. Not only is your boy a horrible intel cooker, he's managed to switch stories so often that he's pissed away every pretext he had at the outset.
Shifting. Let me get this straight.
Clinton lied under oath - which is a crime - that is incontrovertible. Having witnesses fear being convicted of perjury is one of the cornerstones of our judicial system. In other words, if people feel free to lie on the stand, our judicial system is comprimised. Therefore Clinton's lie undermined the integrity of the system.
Bush believed what everyone believed, including his predecesser and his predecesser's secretary of state, that Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction.
It is still possible that such weapons will be found.
Even if he did lie, which is improbable, such a lie would not be a crime, and it was not the sole justification for going to war.
Even if he did lie, and it was his sole justification of going to war, the consequences is that one of the most brutal regimes in history is now gone.
You need to admit that you just have it in for Bush. And stop using the stupid pretext of the lack of WMDs to justify your obsession.