Originally posted by bilmore
I know several people working in the country right now on infrastructure, and everything they tell me points to huge improvements everywhere, structurally and societal, and they talk with disbelief (and a lot of anger) about the level of vitriol and misinformation that seems to pervade the MSM reporting of Iraq right now. I get a lot of my optimism about Iraq from them, and I think I'll believe them more than ten coastie reporters who have already expressed hatred for all things Bush.
Not to out your friends, but are they in Baghdad? Basra? Kirkuk?
Here's the thing -- I'm glad to hear that there are places where improvements are occurring, but I don't understand the complete disconnect between that view and MSM reporting.
In trying to square that circle, I am more reluctant than you appear to be to share your view that the mainstream media is uniformly populated with Bush-haters who choose not to point to huge improvements everywhere, structurally and societal, and instead write about varying levels of chaos in Baghdad.