Originally posted by Did you just call me Coltrane?
I turned down the volume on the Homerun Derby b/c I couldn't stand to listen to Berman. Can't they put Soup on TV and Berman on the radio?
Kruk is so fucking dumb is embarrassing. Harold Reynolds wasn't doing himself any favors by claiming that Jon Garland was performing so well b/c he is a 5th starter and gets to face other 5th starters. Right, b/c 5th starters match up with each other for the rest of the year -- dumbass.
After my husband and I split up, I stopped watching Sportscenter in the morning because we used to do that and talk about how the anchor people annoyed us so much, and I figured that would make me sad. I have been missing it lately and so I figured enough time had passed that it wouldn't make me sad anymore to watch it. So I turn it on, and wouldn't you know it, fucking Stuart Scott annoyed the hell out of me within about 1.5 minutes, if that. Then they did that stupid Ultimate Highlight reel. I ended up changing the channel. So, if anyone is still a regular Sportscenter watcher, has it gone downhill in the last 6 months? Stayed the same? Gotten better? Should I give it another chance?