Originally posted by Sidd Finch
No one knows? So this is one of those questions a court just can't assess, and therefore we have to keep the woman alive in a vegetable state so you and your right-wing friends can get together at church and celebrate how you've done something just soooo valuable?
I think the court and the state should err on the side of life. If you make your wishes known in a written document (living will etc) then you are covered, otherwise we err on the side of life (which is the same rationale that is part of my evolution to anti-death penalty. Once someone is dead you can't correct the mistake).
Originally posted by Sidd Finch
Let me guess -- you believe her husband killed her. Right? That would be true Penske-think. (Sorry for the oxymoron.)
I don't find it anymore or less possible than the hypo that hall of fame football player and generally nice guy celeb OJ Simpson would bludgeon his wife to death.
And nice politics of personal destruction attack there. From here on I will refer to you as Carville-lite.
Originally posted by Sidd Finch
And the carrot joke is just for your benefit, asshole. But please -- let's not pretend that you or anyone else gave a shit about her family.
The carrot joke shows your disrespect for her and her family. She was not a voluntary public figure but rather a victim and the comment is disrespectful regardless of where or to whom it is made. Sad that the liberal kool-aid has made you so callous to human tragedy.