Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
Kazou Ishiguro is, i think the best author working today. My favorite novel is The Remains of the Day. The movie was a bit too much "Merchant/Ivory" we're British people in fine mansions stuffy.
But the novel was really all located in the mind of the butler. It was all seen through his eyes and based upon his slanted view of the world as an obsessive servant. It was just like getting into someone else's brain who was in a very different mindset than I've ever been. Of course much of this couldn't translate to film.
Like the scene where his dad is upstairs dying, he's all torn up in the book for pages because he can see a spot on a fork set for this important dinner party and he can't sort out how to remove the fork without letting everyone know it was set down dirty.
anyway his last novel was pretty bizarre, fun but no RotD.
New novel just came out- Never Let Me Go. Is about schoolmates growing up who are clones raised for organ donation. Not at all Sci Fi, just a normal story set in England, except the main charecters are these clones. It has the same "mind setting" of RotD. It is realy really good.
Oh, I'll second that. Loved it - beautiful. I'm reading The Unconsoled right now - don't love it as much as NLMG, but still good. He's got a patience in his writing. I actually preferred RotD onscreen, though, and I never say that.