As everyone knows, quick ejaculation time is a preferred genetic trait, evolutionarily speaking, for it is the quick ejaculators who recover more quickly and move on to further quick ejaculations, spreading their seed at a far more rapid rate than the slow ejaculators. This genetic enhancement, with which I have been blessed, is an invaluable tool in my quest to create, through fornication, an army of Pretty Littler Flowers, all of whom will worship me like a god, and whom I will mold in my image.
I do not think I knew this though there does seem to be a correlation between the bad sex people quickly recovering and trying to do me again (oh fuck, should I skip the feigned orgasm this time so as not to encourage it?) and the good sex people spooning and snoozing after the main event. I thought this had more to do with the effort and time put into the good sex. Most men are usually only good for several minutes, its what comes before that differentiates. No pun.