Originally posted by lo han kuo
It may be trite, but its true and while I don't necessarily regret the Summer conquest I want to avoid having my p-ship ring jeopardized by crazy Ex-Sec. Certainly someone here has seen this sort of situation come down in their firm before and perhaps could offer some insight (along with the expected cynicism and flames).
I'm not sure this will be of much help now, but a preempt does worlds of good in this situation. A 20 second conversation like -- "I feel like you're the type of person who won't blab all over town about stuff, and in fact, doesn't tell anybody anything about their personal life. Right?", early on in the courtship, often works wonders. At least, it did when I was still in the game.
Maybe you can try it now? Have a sit-down with ex-sec. Tell her you're going to try to get Summer to go for it, but as a condition, you want to make sure that she keeps her mouth shut about it, if it happens, and as a matter of fact, I hope and trust that you're not the type to tell anybody what you've found out. Are we cool?
You might remind her of the promise she made in the bar.
Just a thought. It's no lock, but I think people are more loath to spill if they're promised somebody explicitly that they won't, even if a normal person would think that such a promise should go unsaid.