Originally posted by Penske_Account
1. The emotionally (and in the present case mentally ill) based opinion of one mother (or 900 mothers) of a soldier who made an informed choice to defend his country in a noble effourt against the forces of evil is irrelevant to our national security policy. Assuming it was truly heartfelt it might be interesting as an aside. The blasphemy of it is, she is on Soros' payroll, so she is defiling her son's sacrfice for all of us in the name of partisan shitting on the PoTUS.
The combination of (1) an intellectual argument that national security decisions should be left to the leaders, and (2) suggestions that Americans who disapprove of Administration foreign policy are emotional and mentally ill is an impressive one, Penske.
2. What NotBob's mom thinks is equally irrelevant to the debate. I know people who think differently, her opinion has now been neutralised.
I'm glad. Hey, was your counterweight the IDF guy? Just curious.
3. Let me add, that Sheehan is really just a liberal tool of the left wing haytas, and since W won the election and all, they should all go home and shut the fuck up.
Good effort, but as a tactical matter, this would be better augmented with a photoshopped image of Bush (or Cheney) as Uncle Sam stroking it out, with fleeing moms of dead soldiers somewhere inside the frame. Give it a try! We have faith in your abilities.