Originally posted by Did you just call me Coltrane?
I hated it the first time, but came to appreciate it after about 4 viewings. Will says some funny shit, and Brick...well "Brick killed a guy. Did you throw a trident?"
It's stupid, but it's supposed to be stupid.
I never liked Carell all that much on the Daily Show, but he’s been hysterical in movies and in the Office (yes, I’m aware how much better the British version is... and I don’t care... tell it to someone who fancies himself a cultural expatriate).
I liked Anchorman the first and second times I watched it. For some reason, people got together and decided to hate it. Probably a quirk of timing (too many Ferrell vehicles in release at the time). Or maybe people were accustomed to sheer brilliance from that crew of stars (Old School). I don’t know.... but I liked Anchorman.