Originally posted by notcasesensitive
The Things We Do For Love was literally the only song on AM radio for the entire last three years of the seventies. So I think to have not heard it, a person would have to be too young to have listened to the radio at all in the 70s. I am not 38 and I have heard it at least 10,000 times. Most of them when I was between the ages of 7 and 10. It is one of those things. It sticks with you.
You asked what age would a person have to be and you made me do math. Math is hard. But if a person were born in 1975 - that would make them 30 and the likelyhood that they ever heard that song in it's original status would be extremely low. 30 is not young, but definitely NOT OLD, but that's my answer and I'm sticking to it.