Originally posted by ironweed
Anyone who hasn't seen "The Aristocrats" should do so at once. If only for the Christopher Walken impression, which is not to imply that the rest of the movie is not funny as hell, which it is. Funny. As hell. The rest of the movie.
I forget who here invented liking the Christopher Walken impression from "The Aristocrats" but to them I say mad props, big up, love the sistahs, etc.
I've always thought of you as a feeble-minded, pathetic, thinking-inside-the-box type of guy. About as trite and uninspiring as anyone I have ever met. More a caricature of a human being than an actual person.
But I found your movie review, with it's humorous verbless sentences and faux street patois, to be oddly compelling. I'll have to check this movie out.