Does she or doesn't she? Only her waxer knows for sure ...
Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
So, how much are you considering getting zapped? Just the bikini-line? Everything but a triangle (real triangle, not the silly decorative one) up front? Everything but a landing strip?
I ask because I've been toying with the laser idea, too. It's not so much the time wasted waxing, for me, it is that anything that involves regrowth is ultimately unsatisfactory, and I'm pretty sure that, fashions changing as they might, I won't miss anything that isn't covered by a g-string. It would be nice to be relieved of the "smooth, stubble, smooth" cycle. Sort of defeats the purpose, about 1/2 the time.
Then again, I tend to be somewhat of a DIY girl, and I've also been vaguely considering an at-home electrolysis kit, but the idea of riding sparky in an embarrasing position in my own bathroom mitigates against.
This is the kind of frank, pubic hair-related discussion I come here to see.
"I say that nobody here , other than yourself and possibly Sidd, would masturbate to thoughts even remotely associated with you, because you come across like someone who is generally ignored in real life, yet feels that he shouldn't be because of his obvious way with words,overall sense of fun, enlightened attitude, and vigorous driving skills."