Originally posted by Sexual Harassment Panda
I'm betting you're wrong. So where does that leave us?
Well Blair and the Times are proven frauds. Knock yourself out on disproving that the buses were not were they were asserted to be in that picture. Until you do, you lose, much like you did in November.
Originally posted by Sexual Harassment Panda
The question remains, the incompetence and gross negligence of Brown having been firmly established, on top of his fabricated resume, why do you want to keep defending him? WHERE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD WERE THE PLANES?
I haven't defended Brown, however Brown would not have had a fraction of the human misery and death to deal with if not for Nagin's gross negligence and incompetence.
The fact that the two of you idiots keep talking about planes that were not part of any plan of the State of Louisiana and are not germane to the discussion, exposes you and the rest of the leftist morons who buy into your crap as the morally and intellectually empty losers that your leaders like Kerry, Landrieu, Pelosi and Dean inspire you to be. Congratulations on drinking the Kool Aid so deeply.