Originally posted by str8outavannuys
As of the end of the year, I will no longer be working for a studio that makes crap movies.
I will be working for a boutique (6 lawyers, including me) firm that represents Angelina Jolie and Lindsay Lohan, among others.
That's the news. Say hi to my family for me, because I'll never get to see them again.
You know how Sleepers and Murder in the First made the 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon too easy? Well, starting in mid 06 everyone here starts playing "6 degrees of Str8" where you have to link an actor to somone str8 has met.
It's a really fun time, and draws everyone closer- until 2012 when str8 dumps the wife and starts seeing Demi Moore. A few dinner parties into that affair and he's met too many people for the game to be challenging.
Mickey Rooney?
Mickey Rooney was in Requiem For a Heavyweight with Jackie Gleason.
Jackie Gleason was in The Hustler with Paul Newman.
Paul newman was in the Verdict with Bruce Willis.
Str8 has had dinner with Bruce Willis.
Mickey rooney is a 4. Too easy.