Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Golf drives me fucking nuts. I grew up playing golf and got bored senseless with it by 21. I still play now and again, but hardly any amount worth discussing. Why does every male at the age of 30 suddenly become a “golf guy”? I like it - its relaxing... But its one of those sports you can never master unless you have inherent skills. You can’t will yourself to be really good without a lot of natural talent, and if you play for more than 3 years, you realize this. Nevertheless, guys talk about how they’re changing their swings and taking lessons, etc... all day long. Its really annoying as hell. The only lesson a pro ever gave me that really made sense was to use my lead arm more than my support arm. That can convert a straight ball to a draw and add about 20 yards. But if you’re a slicer, you’re fucked, and most of the guys I hear talking about it are all fucking slicers. Its maddening. Just go play the fucking game and stop talking about it.
I don't play golf and am completely bored by it. When you started your post by writing about how boring golf if, you drew me in. It was not until I got through your entire fucking post that I realized it was actually just a bunch of boring drivel about golf disguised as a post complaining about people who spout boring drivel about golf. I particularly enjoyed the delicious irony of your final sentence. Kudos on a job well done.