Originally posted by notcasesensitive
We should swap offices. We still have a/c at full capacity even though the highs have been in the upper 60s (well, there have been some brisk winds that would warrant a decrease in the a/c volume).
Someone who shall remain nameless (fringey) tried to blame the victim yesterday by insinuating that I wasn't doing all I could to stay warm. I will have you know I am now on day three of ncs closed toe shoe season, I drink hot tea as my main beverage at work AND I've been wearing sweaters everyday (today is the first outing of a cashmere one I bought last year that I am particularly fond of). Short of wearing a parka and gloves, I'm not sure what else to do.
I realized in the elevator on the way home that I should have held you, and comforted you, and told you that I, too, know what it’s like to experience cold. Instead, I got you a glass of water. I apologize.