Originally posted by str8outavannuys
I know we've had this debate before, and I've never been in this position, but I just have to say that what your uncle did seems like the most selfish thing I can possibly imagine. You'd hurt someone you love (or once loved), in a very profound way, ON HER DEATH BED???? Just so you can feel better about yourself???
I'm as much of a sociopath as the next guy, but damn. That's cold. Cold cold cold.
I agree - how needless. On the other hand, a friend of mine's father left his wife after 30 years of marriage (when the kids had all reached at least 18 - some weird line in his mind) and finally married the 10 or 20 year affair. They were happy (though he cut his children out of his will and left it all to the second wife because he thought she needed taking care of), but the wife was devastated - and by that time was beyond where she felt really comfortable starting over or even thinking about it with someone else. I tend to think the lesson here is to leave earlier and at least give the other person a chance to have a life.