Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
Are you going to post a photo of you in the French maid outfit or what?
He Thought He Heard A Rustler
A complaint of an individual shooting deer and not retrieving them led Goliad County Game Wardens Jesse Garcia and Kevin Fagg to check the brush on a landowner's property. The brush was thick and hard to see through. Garcia and Fagg found a deer's carcass and were about to examine it when a shot rang out from behind them. A man about 50 yards outside the brush had fired a shot in their direction from a 30.06 rifle. The bullet fragmented. A small portion struck Garcia in the knee and unknown debris struck Fagg in the side of the face. The shooter said he didn't see anything, but he had heard a "rustling noise." The man was charged with deadly conduct and taken to the Goliad County Jail. The game wardens were shaken up but otherwise OK.
As reported in the Lone Star Outdoor News