Originally posted by str8outavannuys
So I watched "The Brak Show" last night. Any fans out there? Anyone seen it? Heard of it?
I've seen "The Brak Show." I prefer the other late night cartoons on Adult Swim...
Aqua Teen Hunger Force. A giant anthropomorphic shake, a hovering box of fries with a goatee, and a meatball get into adventures, often at the expense of next-door neighbor Carl, who wears a wifebeater that doesn't quite cover his gut or his abundant back hair. Last night, they were attacked by aliens who attacked them with a belt that had all of the power of arena rock band Foreigner. "How will you attack me when you're 'As Cold As Ice'?"
Sealab 2021. I guess there was a Sealab 2020 cartoon while I was growing up. The best one made the whole episode seem like an Entertainment Tonight special on the making of Sealab: The Movie, complete with gratingly perky "reporter," commercials for an Applebee's style restaurant called Grizzlebee's (try the 64 oz Mega Onion Burst with honey-maple-ranch dipping sauce), and special apperance by Kid and Play as the directors of the movie, trying to rebound from House Party 2.
Cartoons made by stoners, for stoners.
(Now which will come first, a diatribe from JFF about the use of the term "wifebeater" for a white tank top, or a rant from PLF about the dangers of marijuana?)