Originally posted by str8outavannuys
As it happens, I have several Godspeed You! Black Emperor CDs here in my office, and in honor of this post I've loaded Yanqui U.X.O into my CD player. GY!BE is a 9 member musical collective from Montreal. Their liner notes indicate that they're anti-American, anti-war, anti-big business, and anti-globalism. Their songs don't have any lyrics. Many of their songs are over 15 minutes long. Think Sigur Ros, but slower and without the made up language. It's a little like Tortoise, but less happy-sounding. They sometimes have ramblings of crazy people on their records (over their industrial/orchestral sound). I regret missing their show the last time they played LA. A friend of mine went and reported that they attracted a pretty weird crowd. Imagine that.
And, I read that they and their tour van were detained recently somewhere in the midwest at a gas station for looking like terrorists. I am too lazy to look for thie news story.
"Godspeed You What?! Call the poh-lice"