Originally posted by TexLex
I've never been to a Bat Mitzvah, but we got an invite yesterday for one. We've never met the kid, but we know her mother. What am I supposed to take? A gift, I assume...money? What is appropriate? Just a check to the kid or would a gift certificate to somewhere a 13 (13, right?) yo would shop count?
It's the ceremony (or whatever you call it) Fri. Night and Sat morning then a luncheon on Sat. and a shindig in the evening at a "dressy casual" restaraunt. That's pretty much the whole weekend....Good lord!
Can we go to just the thingie on Sat. night and blow everything else off or would that look really bad? If not, is it totally inappropriate to take babies to the ceremony if I can keep them quiet? How long does that part last? And lastly, are there any rules about boobies at the ceremony - if it lasts longer than an hour, chances are, I'm gonna have to (discretely of course) whip mine out to feed the littlun.
Anything other advice for the clueless?
That is a long weekend of events. When I used to go to these things, they were just the service and the evening party after. I think it would be a bit odd to show up at the party if you didn't attend the service, though people probably do it all the time. It is the equivalent of going to a reception without attending the wedding.
As for the kids during the service question, I would inquire informally about whether that would be appropriate. If the invite was for your family, I'm sure it would be. If only to you an your husband, maybe not. THe length of the service will depend on the type of jew that the family is. Reform - 30 minutes. Anything other than reform - an hour or more.