Originally posted by bilmore
Do you normally work in a server environment, or are you normally disconnected from any network?
No server or network
Originally posted by bilmore
What five programs do you run most often?
Outlook, Powerpoint, Excel, Quicken, Word, sometimes Pagemaker
Originally posted by bilmore
Do you use lots and lots of graphics in your work? Photo-editing software? Tons of brand-new video games?
Pagemaker and Power point. No Photoediting. No video games
Originally posted by bilmore
Or, do you use the computer mostly for mail, word processing, net browsing, and the odd spreadsheet or two?
Originally posted by bilmore
Is battery life a very important factor, or just the usual "important" factor?
Important not critical. Most of the time it will not be used as a laptop.
Originally posted by bilmore
Are you one of those "it has to be the smallest phone/camera/laptop at the conference" guys, or is "medium"
Medium is fine. Most of the time it will not be used as a lap top.