Originally posted by greatwhitenorthchick
It sounds dysfunctional and nasty, but these nicknames are all terms of endearment
This reminds me of a conversation I overheard on the subway the other day. It was about a Ford Expedition [PSYCHE!!]. No, seriously. This woman was recounting to her friends about how her grandfather married her ailing grandmother's nurse (said nurse was about 50 years younger than grandfather), and had a daughter. Therefore, woman-telling-story had an aunt who was considerably younger than she. The woman telling the story appeared to be about 40, and her aunt is 12.
Anyway, her cohorts were laughing and she remarked, "yes, we put the fun in dysfunctional..."
[Luckily, they were behind me, so as I attempted to stifle my giggles, my eavesdropping was (I hope) not so obvious.]
It's probably an old line, but I found it amusing.