Originally posted by Gattigap
As it happens, I have an Arab friend (Caldean Iraqi) who doesn't have a problem with Israel's existence. He's American (and I suppose, American-ized in his worldview), though his family is also involved in trying to help Caldean communities in Iraq.
Less and I had a couple Caldean friends in law school (for some reason, outside of Detroit, San Diego has the larges Caldean community in the United States - although they don't drink they own ninety percent of the liquor stores in San Diego county) and they were both opposed to the existence of Israel. But it gives me a little bit of hope that there are a few out there.
Originally posted by Gattigap
I acknowledge that this anecdote demonstrates relatively little, though, and I lack your confidence in extrapolating personal experiences into conclusions about what all Arabs think about Israel.
Actually, I was kind of hoping that someone would cite a poll. As I said, my sample was clearly not a scientific sample, and could be screwed up for many reasons. It could very likely be that Arabs that think Isreal has a right to exist are rather reluctant to share their beliefs or educated Arabs care about "Arabia" but the average Arab could care less etc. Are there polls that show what the average Arab really thinks (I have never seen one), or are there more scientific reports that show how much the average Arab really cares about Israel?