Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
again, to focus on airports is to ignore the real targets that are most threatened and least protectible. you all seem to ignore it.
What do you think will happen once the terrorists start blowing themselves up on the subway or at ballgames?
the attacks on the Embassies, WTC 1, the Cole all occured before Iraq and Afghanistan- 20000 jihadis were trained in Afghanistan Before 9/11.
Does getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan take us back to those days of safety? really- don't we have to throw Israel to the wolves also, and what if they want us to give up France or England?
In a way, we should probably be reassured that the latest foiled plots involved airplanes. It could be read to suggest that the terrorists do not feel they are in a position to attack these softer targets.
Or perhaps it only suggests that they think airplanes make for better press. Regardless, it is only a matter of time.