Originally posted by Penske_Account
Why does he qualify it? I condemn Hezbollah, period. They are a terrorist organisation and I refuse to legitmise any part of them by qualifying my condemnation. Much in the same way I condemn Hitler. Fully. Without qualification. Not just for the holocaust. For everything. Including the bad artwork.
What is Dingell reserving? Hezbollah's right to be a "peaceful state aparatus in the Bekkaa valley?
Ty, I challenge you, condemn Hezbollah, without qualification. Show Dingbat the way! It will feel good and righteous.
Can you do it? Or do hate Israel and by extension America?
Congress is privy to intelligence you and I don't see- maybe he's seen an analysis of what will likely happen to france over the next 15 years and he still wants to be able to take his kids to see le tour eifel.