Originally posted by Anon Parent
Does anyone have a suggestion for a good book on stages of child mental development, particularly for learning?
In other words, at what age children are able to understand various concepts, such as when parents travel what it means to go to another country part way around the world.
Inquisitive daughter, whom I'm happy to teach. But I don't want to waste time with explanations she won't understand.
I don't have a book per se but my spouse travels quite frequently and i think my son 'got it' around 3, that daddy was going away but that he'd be back etc and that he was going to BE in a different place etc.... at 4 he really enjoyed telling other people where daddy was and showing them on the globe or map at school {caveat - he is a montessori kid so they do that stuff at that age} the globe was quite helpful as it gave him a tangible place for dad to be...