Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
No, I do M&A. M&A lawyers, and corporate lawyers generally, suck ass and they are obsequious boot-lickers who are painfully aware that they only get to play with their betters' money and then take their frustrations out non-clients.
So far as I can tell, however, ERISA lawyers do not suck ass. They seem to have their heads screwed on pretty straight. Other than the whole ERISA thing, of course.
I find that the day-to-day drudge work of being a deal attorney is more annoying than the other attorneys that I have to deal with. That and the billable hour are the dealbreakers for me.
For the most part, the lawyers I have to talk to on deals are alright. Maybe I've just been lucky, but I'd guess that only 10 or so of the firms/lawyers I've dealt with to date have been complete pains in my ass. Of course, a high percentage of that 10 came from NY firms.