Originally posted by Hank Chinaski
"we?" Wonk is in his 50s.
Referring to someone as being older than they are is not really effective as either humor or as insult:
(i) on the internet, where people are generally anonymous; or
(ii) when they have no hang-up or insecurity about their age.
I debated whether or not I wanted to offer this criticism, Hank. Your work here has been slipping considerably of late, and, quite frankly, I am fairly convinced you've outgrown your potential. I have been in favor of suggesting you take some time to find a new forum for some time now.
However, some of the other partners seem to think that you are simply going through a "slump." Is there some sort of external concern that is adding pressure? Are things okay at home? If you aren't comfortable discussing these matters with me, see RT or any member of the Management Committee. If need be, we can assign you a mentor, perhaps Thurgreed would be willing.
In any event, Hank, I would encouraage you to take this little talk as a spur to action, as it were. You showed great promise as a young partner. There are those here who would rather see you return to those halcyon days of glory.
Try not to let us down any more, eh, old chap?