Originally posted by Did you just call me Coltrane?
Actually, keg beer is fresher than bottled beer b/c it hasn't been pasteurized to kill the yeast. ... No one ever agrees with me on this point, though.
Whether one agrees with the specifics or not, I must applaud your true dedication to the cause of good beer.
Originally posted by Replaced_TexanOf course, some of the best weddings I've been to have been barbeque or Mexican buffets, served on paper plates, in parish halls or gyms or someone's back yard or the fireman's hall, with enough beer to last all night long, so I might not be snobby enough.
You sound snobby enough to me: you have just rejected the practices of 50%+ of weddings in America, at a conservative estimate. You openly prefer receptions where there is sufficent food and drink provided to guests, and where they have a good time. Shocking! Those are rare and precious things in this world where trashy (white, trailer or otherwise) brides &/or grooms decide to skimp on their guests to satisfy their own mistakenly inflated egos, and so provide 3 plates of celery to the 300 guests they've crammed into a fancy hotel to suffer together, and then engage in overt extortion to try to extract the cover-price out of said guests in the form of gifts/pay-offs, all for the sake of making "their day" sufficently grand in lieu of providing actual hospitality to their supposed loved ones.
BR(my kinda snob)C