Fringie Don't Surf
Originally posted by bold_n_brazen
My next-door neighbor makes homemade Kahlua. She brought me a big bottle the other night. That's some good shit.
Diane Keaton posted the below recipe last year. I'm going to attempt it some time next week. I'll let ya'll know when it's ready for tasting in a few months and invite you over.
Limoncello (3 quarts)
2 dozen lemons
2 bottles good 100 proof Vodka
4 1/2 cups sugar
5 cups water
Wash lemons in hot water, peel them removing all white pith and put peel in 4 quart Mason jar. Add 1st bottle of Vodka, stir, cover and put in dark spot at room temp. After 40 days, take out and open. Boil sugar and water for 5 minutes in saucepan, let cool completely in pan (about 10 minutes) and add the mix to the jar along with the 2nd bottle of Vodka; stir well. Cover again and store 40 more days. At day 80, strain and discard the lemon peel. Pour into new bottles and put one bottle at a time in freezer until ready to use. Send 1 bottle to Diane Keaton.
"In the olden days before the internet, you'd take this sort of person for a ride out into the woods and shoot them, as Darwin intended, before he could spawn."--Will the Vampire People Leave the Lobby? pg 79