Originally posted by ABBAKiss
Although I am enjoying the fallout, I think the concept of this show is evil. It's like having The Bachelor and have him get to the final three and then telling him "only two of the remaining women were born women" or "one of the remaining 'women' is really a drag queen." Not fair.
Agree. And especially so becuase the bachelor guy is sorta sensitive and from all the press was genuinely mad about it. However Andra has successfully grated my last nerve. When she was freaking out about how this was making HER look like a fool and how unfair this was to HER, I would have flat out smacked her if I was James. All in all he handled it pretty well on the show even though he was seething.
My gay friend who I watched with last night is all about James. Also when I said Brian seemed sweet, said gay friend said "wolf in sheep's clothing!" fwiw.