Originally posted by Sidd Finch
But your ex's insistence that the bf not sleep over is ridiculous. What is he thinking? That you'll never have sex with the Brazenette in the house? That she'll never know that you are involved with someone else?
I would set a pretty strict expiration date for that policy. (I'm assuming that you also aren't allowed to fuck other people in the house while the little one is home. If not, that could affect things.)
I don't think that's so ridiculous. If the goal is to ensure that his child isn't exposed to a parade of paramours prancing in and out of bnb's and therefore his daughter's life, it makes sense to have some sort of gauge on how serious a relationship is before sleepovers are allowed. I'm sure bnb wouldn't want him to introduce their daughter to the next and better blonde bimbo he's boning every time he has her.